
Welcome to Leó's Smile Foundation! We pursue the following goals:

  • Help Leo's mental and physical development, decrease his isolation and vulnerability, facilitate his inclusion in society and improve his quality of life
  • Raise awareness in the general public about severely disabled children, children with rare genetic conditions and other discriminated minorities.
  • Promote and potentially fund research on KCNA2 and other types of epilepsy. Raise awareness about the existence severe disorders like KCNA2 epilepsy, and the importance of getting the right treatment for the condition. Build a network of parents affected by KCNA2 to facilitate support and contanct between them

About the foundation

Name: Leó's Smile Foundation
Cím: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Hegyoldal utca 6.
Tax number: 19304876-1-20
Statistical number: 19304876-9499-569-20
Dokumentumok: Éves beszámolók

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Ha egyéb módon szeretnéd támogatni az alapítványt, megteheted banki átutalással az alábbi adatokkal:

Name: Leó's Smile Foundation
IBAN: HU20117080012224810900000000

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